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Led by Queen Erin


Chosen Brother: Duke Robby.



Quote: 'Mommy? Mommy, is that you? Please! I'm in here. it's so Dark! I can't see you Mommy... Come closer Mommy...? chkchkchkchkchkchkchkchk!!!'
Nickname: Morlocks / Brokers
Covenant: Given their monetary fixation, the Baddacelli favor the Invictus but have found homes in nearly all the covenants. The Carthian Movement is their secondary choice, believing that democracy and freedom promote enterprise by opening doors to all and allowing more customers access to their goods. Whilst several members have been accepted membership amongst the Lancea Sanctum, it is mainly to further their information networks in a given city amongst their parishioners, Kindred and otherwise. On a similar note, the Ordo Dracul are an interesting ground for cultivation since their thirst for ancient knowledge often means they are willing to pay the high price asked by the Baddacelli for such tomes. However, The Circle of the Crone is the least populated of the covenants to date since their beliefs and ethics do not combine well to form a flourishing business environment. Whilst a scattering of the bloodline has taken up residence in their society, they have not had much success in cultivating any worthwhile results.
Background: The Baddacelli family has extended their influence all over the world. They went across the Atlantic with the Conquistadors to reap the profits of the New World. They followed the spice roads to India and into the silk lands of China and the Far East. There is not one corner of the globe their empire has not touched and exploited to their own ends. They embrace only from their mortal descendants, and even then, only those who meet their cutthroat business expectations. Only those with the highest degree of business competency, the ruthlessness to make the deal no-one else would dare to, the ingenuity to find out the secrets others have striven so hard to hide and turn it against them: those are the people that the Baddacelli desire in their numbers. To date there has only ever been a maximum of sixteen members of this bloodline active in the world at any one time.
Appearance: Different companies have different dress codes, but in general, they all have the same running theme: smart and professional. The Baddacelli are by no means any exception. It's rare to find a member of the family out of a designer suit (usually of Italian origin) and more than three feet away from a top of the range mobile phone and electronic organizer. Keeping up with the bleeding edge of business technology takes a great deal of resources, but the Baddacelli have this in abundance.
Weakness: As members of the Nosferatu clan, Baddacelli demonstrate their forebears as weakness. With regard to dice pools based on Presence or Manipulation Attributes in social situations, the 10 Again rule does not apply. This weakness does not apply to dice pools that involve the Intimidation Skill, or to the Composure Attribute. Additionally, all members of this bloodline are convinced as to the superiority of their lineage. Upon joining the bloodline, all members receive the derangement Narcissism, or if they already had that derangement, then it upgrades to Megalomania. 
Disciplines: Licencieux and Xinyao
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