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Led by King Bigguy


Motto: We patrol the dark, unforgiving halls of the world…and the mind
Clan History The Morotrophians can be traced back to a single German monk, Ludoldus Bischoffshausen, living in northern Italy. After being embraced by the Nosferatu, the monk discovered he had what would now be termed agoraphobia - the fear of open or public spaces. After living in Italy for a while, he was forced to flee and headed to France. He convinced a friend to give him refuge in an abbey, and it was here he discovered he had found the perfect feeding ground – a population that was isolated and silent. What more could a vampire ask for?Eventually, he grew lonely, and it was this loneliness and despair that led him to sire children. In spite of his desire for a family, he found they could not live with him. Too many vampires in such a place would risk their discovery. He sent them to other abbeys and monasteries, infiltrating a good half-dozen of them, before an Inquisition nearly wiped them out.
It was at this time one of the younger Morotrophians found a new home for his kin: the mental institution. He found a vast population who were isolated and, while not silent, were not believed when they told tales of seeing a vampire. Over the next century the asylums were infiltrated, and then new institutions were found such as prisons and cults. The Morotrophians held sway over all these for centuries, until a mid-20th century wave of de-institutionalization found their homes in jeopardy. All was not lost, though. A clever lot, they once again adapted to what was around them. They worked their way into privately run shelters and homes for the infirm and old, and most recently rehabilitation clinics. Smaller, but less guarded and controlled, these places were as suited for the modern Morotrophian as the abbey was for the elders.
The modern Morotrophians are on odd lot compared to those of old. Whereas elders were chosen from monasteries and the staff of mental institutions, the newest generation finds an abundance of health-care workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. An intelligent lot, they cannot help but analyze the victims they stalk in the dark hallways at night. They see hows and whys of the humans' interactions, paying special attention to the roots of their problems. The deadly sins abounded, and they were more than happy to watch and learn before they supped for the night. The knowledge wouldn’t be put to use, though, until modern technology and the new generation came together. The latest Morotrophians find themselves surrounded by modern electronics, and they happily embrace it.
While traditionally isolationists, this new generation finds it easy to socialize without being around others. They can stay in their institution and network with others, learning of all their joy and sorrows. Interestingly, as they connected to more and more Vamps, they noticed a disturbing trend: the same failings of humans were showing up in other Vamps too. With their previous lives as doctors and caregivers, they find themselves driven to help their brethren. They seek to reduce the anger, the greed, and the sadness from their fellow Vamps, making their world stronger as a whole.
They have adopted a new modern purpose within the Vampire community, one of educators and counselors. They seek to prevent the squabbles they have seen in the humans, or to settle them before they grow out of control. A new pleasure is found in bringing Vamps together… though nothing will replace the pleasure of a good night’s meal of a captive human.
Disciplines: Web and Eupraxia. 
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