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Disciplines Explained


Taurobolium  -  Majesty  -  Nightmare  -  Nburu  -  Dominate
TauroboliumA Galloi can bleed onto a target and turn it into a thing of beauty


Taurobolium does not have discrete powers like most Disciplines. Instead, its effects grow more potent.The vampire bleeds onto the target, who then seems younger, healthier and more beautiful. The target's skin is without blemishes, and they take on an androgynous attractiveness similar to that possessed by the Galloi themselves, allowing them to more easily influence and manipulate others. As the Galloi's power in Taurobolium increases, the effect becomes stronger and the Galloi must use more Vitae to begin the effect.


The Galloi claim to have originated in the Cult of the goddess Cybele, whose mortal members bathed in the fresh hot blood of a mutilated bull during an initiation rite known as the Taurobolium



MajestyThis power allows a supernatural degree of charm; people affected by the power will fawn over the person casting it.


This is where you can use the power of Majesty, your unnatural beauty to sway others. This comes in very handy when hunting because your charm can help seduce your prey.



Nightmarestriking fear and dread into the hearts of others.


You can use this to your advantage as a vampire. Use your strength and words to overpower another to create fear in their hearts and mind. Never back down from what you feel or they can see that for weakness and over power your Nightmare ability. Stand your ground and be firm.



Nburuconnection with the land allowing them to control the land and plants growing on it


This is a wonderful ability that a vampire can have. It gives them the ability to control plants and the land almost like you can with animalism. You can use this in your favour especially when it comes to killing a target.


Dominate(adds to Nightmare) - This Discipline gives influence over the minds and actions of others - mind control over mortals


This is pretty much what it says. You can use your mind as a vampire to control and influence humans. The mind is a powerful thing and can be used to help feed and even in battle. You can put images in their head so that they could see or believe what you want them to.



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